Stokes County North Carolina Middle School Students
Bullying, Child Abuse, Harassment, Hate, Mental Abuse
Kallie Fagg
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Stokes County student dies by suicide
Stokes County student dies by suicide
Stokes County father hopes to spread message of kindness after losing daughter to suicide
Stokes County father hopes to spread message of kindness after losing daughter to suicide
Stokes County 8th grader who died by suicide remembered by family, friends
Stokes County 8th grader who died by suicide remembered by family, friends

In a heart-wrenching tragedy, a community in Stokes County, N.C., mourns the loss of a bright 13-year-old girl, Kallie Fagg, who took her own life after enduring relentless bullying at school. Kallie’s family describes her as smart, loving, and full of potential, and in her memory, they aim to make a stand against the pervasive issue of bullying that plagues our schools and communities.

Kallie, an eighth-grade student at Southeastern Stokes Middle School, had her life tragically cut short just three days into the school year, a life overshadowed by the torment she endured at the hands of bullies. Her aunt, Christi Holder, who played a significant role in raising Kallie, remembers her as a bubbly, funny, and artistic soul.

But as Kallie transitioned into middle school, the bullying began. Holder reflects, “Once she started middle school, that’s when the bullying started with her. You know, I think you have some [bullying] off and on when you’re younger, but middle school is the worst years for the kids, I think.”

In the wake of this devastating loss, the community has united under the banner of “kindness for Kallie.” Neighbors have adorned their neighborhood with wreaths, signs bearing her name, and the colors of the anti-bullying movement. Holder emphasizes the widespread impact of Kallie’s story, saying, “You know, everybody’s had a kid that age or some people have had that bullying issue. Some people are currently, you know, having the bullying issue. It’s just touched a lot of people.”

The Stokes County School Board has taken notice of the tragedy and the issue of bullying. Superintendent Dr. Brad Rice acknowledged the community’s shock and grief during a recent school board meeting. He stated, “…Our community has been stunned by the recent tragedy involving one of our students, Kallie Fagg, an 8th-grade student at Southeastern Middle School. During the aftermath, many have reported that they feel bullying is either not reported or swept under the rug.”

In response, the school board has approved stricter punishment for bullying, signaling their commitment to addressing this grave issue. However, Holder insists that merely having policies on paper is not enough; they must be enforced to make a difference. She underscores the urgency of the situation, saying, “But you know, if you’re not going to enforce it, what good is it? It’s just words on paper. So I want to see it enforced. I don’t want to see it just be sitting in a handbook. She was a great kid. She was involved in church and she loved everybody, and she didn’t deserve this.”

To honor Kallie’s memory and to advocate for change, the community plans to hold a remembrance rally at First Christian Church in Walnut Cove. Kallie’s family wants to emphasize that support and compassion are always available for those who need it, urging others to speak out against bullying and protect our children’s futures.

The tragic loss of Kallie Fagg serves as a stark reminder that bullying has far-reaching consequences and should never be tolerated. It calls upon all adults in children’s lives to take responsibility and hold bullies accountable, ensuring that no child suffers in silence. The need for severe penalties and consequences for bullies is not just a call for justice; it’s a plea for a safer, kinder world for our children.

Standing Up Against Bullying: Protecting Our Children's Future
Standing Up Against Bullying: Protecting Our Children's Future (AI generated image)
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